Monday, January 23, 2012

My life long dream.........helping those with Lupus!

Loop-us needs your help this winter. We have a fundraising goal for the month of $2000. Loop-Us has set a goal to be incorporated as a nonprofit organization by Feb. 1st and we cannot do this without you. Loop-us is looking for business sponsors who are willing to donate a raffle prize to our winter raffle all proceeds goes to Loop-Us and to helping us become incorporated as a nonprofit so that we can give our all to Lupus patients and their families. All sponsors will be listed on our website as well as our Facebook page. Thank you in advance for your support!

If you would like to purchase raffle tickets which our $10 you can contact us here or on our Facebook page Loop-us. All Prizes are Valued at over $50! You can also donate under the who we are tab.

Loop-us is looking for a nonprofit to take us under their wing and help us on the Journey of becoming a non-profit. Contact Carlisa Thomas- President and Founder if you can lend a hand. Thank you in advance!

First thing on our agenda for the year is the hotline for lupus patients and their families which should be up and running by March.

You can find us on facebook
You can also find us online

I love free!

I love when things are free especially things that are usually very expensive that is why today I am sharing with you a free offer I received today and if I was you I would go for the full package for the $29 and no they are not paying me I just know a good deal when I see one and just a FYI I am having a boy in May lol. Be blessed..........

It's as easy as 1-2-3!

1. Go to
2. Click on "Shop Now" and select any Carseat Canopy or Whole Caboodle Set that you like. The Whole Caboodle Set includes the same Carseat Canopy as well as a matching Minky Carseat Slip Cover, Minky Head Support Pillow, Replacement Umbrella with Minky Lining and a Baby Lap Blanket with Minky Underside. This promotion brings the price on any "Whole Caboodle Set" regularly priced at $135 to only $29.95!
3. Once you have made your selection, you'll automatically be directed to the shopping bag. Enter the promo code " FAMILY2012 " and it will bring your product total on a Carseat Canopy to $0 and $29.95 on any Whole Caboodle Set!

Remember: the promo code is " FAMILY2012 " and you can order as many times as you want - just open a new browser window each time you do.

At $29.95 for The Whole Caboodle, you're getting the best baby shower gift you will ever give or receive!
Feel free to pass this promotion on to your friends!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kids will be kids!

People say kids will be kids/ boys will be boys but when does that go to far. Being a parent of a five year old I understand that children do things that the parent does not agree with and many times know nothing about. Once this happens and is brought to our attention it is our job to teach them better. When my child has come home talking about children picking with or hitting her I have always told her to let the teachers know and ask her what the teachers say in respond. Most of the time the teachers don't do enough to stop the situation so I step in to speak to them and if that doesn't work the parent of the child. This is no different when it comes to family members. I expect brothers,sisters, cousins etc. to keep their children in line and not let them beat on each because they are family. Why raise little bullies, thugs, and gangsters and be happy about it? I am raising a lady but I will not allow her to be pushed over and walked on. That being said I think along with horse back riding, ballet, and tea parties she needs some karate and kick boxing. I have given the world a chance to raise their children now I must raise mine. I felt bad telling my daughter today after she came home from her dads house with bite marks on her from yesterday that if someone hit, bite, or do anything to her to do it back to them if they have continued to do these things to her. What are your thoughts? Be blessed..........

Abstinence after 25, is it possible?

Abstinence is the practice of not having sex at all. This can be done before or after losing your virginity. In the society that we live in now it is very unlikely to find people who practice abstinence especially over the age of 25. People practice abstinence for different reasons, religious, birth control, waiting for the right person etc. I choose abstinence for me. I feel that most people choose to have sex for all of the wrong reasons myself being one of them. Now that I am older and wiser I plan to do what I want to do to make me happy. I feel that by doing this I will grow stronger as a women and find the man that deserves me and not one that wants what I have to offer. I am a 25 year old soon to be divorced mother of two who have decided to start on this journey by remaining abstinent until I get married and if I never get married again then for the rest of my life. It is time to start living for me and I invite you on this journey. I know it won't be easy but it will be a adventure! Be blessed............

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Learning to live by love!

I have been hurt so much in the past year that I felt that all I could do is to hurt those that have hurt me. I am going to be the first to tell you I had the wrong game plan. I have not been hurting no one but myself because being this mean evil person was never me. when someone hurts you it is very easy to try to hurt them back but sometimes the easy thing is not always the best. With the help of God, my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, authors like Rhonda Byrnes, and multiple pastors I feel that I am on my way back from the hurt that I found myself in for so many years now. I have found that I am in control over what happens in my life even the bad things and I vow not to let anyone hurt me again. This does not mean that they will not try but it means that I am on such a higher frequency that it won't affect me. I am growing stronger daily and will not allow Lupus, domestic violence, people using me, negative family, fake friends or anything else to affect my life. I am HAPPY, HEALTHY, WISE! I pray that you all be blessed!