Friday, April 29, 2011

What will you do for Lupus Awareness?

Lupus awareness month starts Sunday and showing your support for Lupus is so important to us who fight this disease daily. Lupus is known as the invisible disease but we at Loop-Us will fight until we are invisible no more!The team from Loop-Us will be getting purple hair extensions. Contact us and let us know what you will do for Lupus awareness.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coming soon my reviews!

Hello blog world! I love to try new things and hold on to old things that I love. So I invite you to go a long with me on my journey through all Chicago has to offer. From food to entertainment I will let you know if it’s a hit or miss!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Donate to Loop-us "Spreading Lupus Awareness starts with all of us"

Lupus awareness month is May and our new up and coming nonprofit needs your help. Loop-us is a small group committed to spreading the word about Lupus and to do that we need your help. We are looking for people and businesses to help us in any way you can. We are currently in the process of becoming a nonprofit so our funds are very low. We need help with print materials, venues to do events, supplies and so much more. In the month of may we want everyone who is connected to us in any way to know about lupus and the affects that it has on so many of us who live with it daily. If you can do personal fundrasiers or know of ways you can spread the word let me know! We need you, if you can help us or know of someone who can contact me! Pass the word!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We get's it in! Cruise 2011 (17)

We get's it in! Cruise 2011 (17)

My vacation!

We in Miami trick! (16)

We in Miami trick! (16)
My Vacation!

Simeon Alumni-Association- Help out if you can!

Currently, the Class of 1976 leads the pack with Scholarship donations totaling $2,225. Won’t you join your fellow Classmates in aiding deserving students?

SCHOLARSHIP – It’s What Matters

1. Online: (Please call 888-252-0677 to indicate that you want your donation used for the scholarship fund or a specific award )

2. Mail a check: Simeon Alumni Association, P.O. Box 20923, Chicago, IL 60620 [payable to Simeon Alumni Association]

Please note on the ‘memo’ section of your check ‘Scholarship Fund’

Remember: Your donation is tax deductible

Questions, comments? Please contact Scholarship Chairs, Lora Jette or Gloria Lee at 888-252-0677.
SAA Wants You: Become a SAA Contributing Writer

Have you always enjoyed turning a phrase, writing stories, or creating great slogans? If so, SAA wants you…. to join our PR team as a Contributing Writer . No prior interviewing experience required as you will receive on-going training. In no time, you’ll be ready to do everything from alumni interviews through covering SAA related events for our membership audience. Come volunteer your time, and work alongside fun & dedicated people that have a passion for helping the youth of Simeon.

Your Grocery Purchases Count at Food4less

Shop at your local Food4less grocer so that SAA programs are funded for Simeon Career Academy students. Interested in registering? You may do so online at www.

Lunch & Learn Volunteers needed.

Come help us serve Simeon student lunches while they gain knowledge about finances, their health, and other interesting topics each month. The next session is Thursday, April 28, 2011 from 10- 2 pm. (It is possible to volunteer for just half of the time). Contact Althera Steenes for more information, Althera Steenes at 773-669-6094 or via (pulled from Facebook)

Just passing the word, if you have a connection to Simeon in anyway we need your help, the students need your help!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kiddie Kuts - Hyde Park - Chicago, IL Never take your child here!

Kiddie Kuts - Hyde Park - Chicago, IL: "Myself or my mom has always done my 4 year old daughters hair because of having problems with my lupus I took my daughter to this shop to get her hair done for Christmas. I am still to this day trying to clear her head up from a infection that she received from this place. She has to take oral medication everyday and they said she may have to take it for a few months"

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Write a Method Section - Writing a Method Section - Psychology Method Section

How to Write a Method Section - Writing a Method Section - Psychology Method Section

Doing my homework and this is so helpful check it out!

Help make May 10th World Lupus day in all 50 states!

It is easy all you have to do is contact your governor ( and/or mayor and ask for a proclamation. There is a link to request a proclamation on most of their sites. Fill it our or just email them the below World Lupus Day Proclamation and hopefully they will respond with a certificate of proclamation.
Please join the international Lupus community in urging your local, state and/or federal government to adopt and issue the following World Lupus Day Proclamation:
WHEREAS, lupus is an autoimmune disease that can cause severe damage to the tissue and organs in the body and, in some cases, death; and
WHEREAS, more than five million people worldwide suffer the devastating effects of this disease and each year over a hundred thousand young women, men and children are newly diagnosed with lupus, the great majority of whom are women of childbearing age; and
WHEREAS, medical research efforts into lupus and the discovery of safer, more effective treatments for lupus patients are under-funded in comparison with diseases of comparable magnitude and severity; and
WHEREAS, many physicians worldwide are unaware of symptoms and health effects of lupus, causing people with lupus to suffer for many years before they obtain a correct diagnosis and medical treatment; and
WHEREAS, there is a deep, unmet need worldwide to educate and support individuals and families affected by lupus; and
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to increase awareness in communities worldwide of the debilitating impact of lupus; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that 10 May 2011 is hereby designated as World Lupus Day on which lupus organizations around the globe call for increases in public and private sector funding for medical research on lupus, targeted education programs for health professionals, patients and the public, and worldwide recognition of lupus as a significant public health issue.
Proclaimed This Day, 10 May 2011

Volunteer for Lupus walks!

The LFAI has two Walk for Lupus Now Events this spring.  We are looking for volunteers to help with both walks.

  • Southern Suburbs Walk- Saturday, May 21, 2011–Bicentennial Park, Olympia Fields
  • Northern Suburbs Walk-Sunday, May 22, 2011 –Half Day Forest Preserve, Vernon Hills.

Volunteer for one walk or both!  We need help with everything from set-up, through clean up! 

To volunteer or for more information (including a list of volunteer jobs) contact Sonya by email or call 312-542-0002.  Please let us know:
·                       Which walk you are interested in: Southern Suburbs (5/21/2011) or Northern Suburbs (5/22/2011)
·                       Times you are available to work (7am-1pm)
·                       Physical limitations (Can you work in direct sunlight?  Can you lift heavy boxes? Etc.)
Thank you for your continued generosity!

Staying Home good or bad what do you think?

I stayed home with my daughter today.I got some house work done. I cooked breakfast and went over some much needed school work with her like her alphabet, numbers, Spanish etc. I loved every moment of it. I feel bad that I can't do this for her every day and because I am the one who makes all of the money and pay all of the bills I can't do this every day. I love to go to work every day but I feel I will love taking care of a family so much more. Especially with my dealing with the every day ups and downs of lupus I feel I miss so much that I will never get back and should I really be putting this much time into someone else's business when my life can end at anytime? I work hard so that I can give her what I never had but will that help if I am not here for her in the end?  What do you think?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Family time!

Ok all, my family time post this week goes to 

Soldier Field Spring Egg-Stravaganza presented by Dominick's

I took my daughter, niece, and nephew last year and the had a ball. If you are in Chicago this weekend this is the place to be. It happens this Sunday April 17th 10am at Solider Field in Chicago. There will be fun for the whole family face painting, inflatables, and balloon artist and the most fun of all the hugh candy free for all on the field. Go to the website for more info.

New start

Sorry I been gone so long, So much drama but enough for that I have a new life and I am starting a new!

I declare my life drama free from this day on and if you see me post any drama slap me please LMAO!