Sunday, October 2, 2011


As you research domestic violence you see so many organizations that are out to not let a friends memory die by paying a died victims funerals or student loans wth.........there is not enough to help the women get out and stay out of these situations I understand from my family first hand that they did what they did out of "respect" for me for those who knew but what I realize now is that we don't need our family and friends "respect" for our relationships we need your support to get out of them and not turn back we need fire under our ass to let us know that we have people that will stand up against this with us mentally, physically, and financially. I want to help the women who need help getting out and staying out God bless the souls for all who have lost their lives because lord knows I was almost one of them but who is going to fight for us who are still here....I am and I ask that all those people who would have showed up to my funeral to cry and think about all the good and bad times we had fight with me! Those who would have cried for my baby losing a mother, my mother losing a child, my sister's and brothers losing a sister fight with me because I am still here and I would rather keep fighting then to give in! I am still not completely through this situation but I know that with support I soon will be.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Domestic Violence Awareness Month!

I have always loved purple never knew that two things that I never choose for my life and that I have learned to care so much about would be represented by this color Lupus Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness......One ribbon two causes! Seek help if going through domestic violence I know first hand it is easier said then done but step out on faith not only for you but for everyone who truly loves you!

The last time I felt normal I was wearing purple for lupus awareness month in May now hopefully I can get back to being normal as I wear purple again for Domestic violence awareness month this month.

May 24th this year I almost lost my life at the hands of someone I love I came out with only a fractured tail bone but I thank God for my life. It is a struggle everyday for me to break this chain that I feel holding on to me so tightly. Domestic violence is real and not only does physical harm but mental harm as well. I lived through this for the last 6 years of my life and will deal with the hurt maybe forever. October is domestic violence awareness month and I plan to do all I can so that no one ever have to go through what I went through and is still going through right now!