Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My father!

I was born and raised in the church. Baptized at a young age. Loved going to church learning about the Lord. Spent a lot of time praise dancing with my sisters and cousins which spread to our church family real soon. I was taught the way to live following Christ but I like many others lost my way. Being young is no excuse for not living your life the way the Lord attended for you to live it. Even right in the church I was tempted with so many worldly things but how many people know that the devil is everywhere. I looked for love from everywhere but from the place I needed to look for it, the father. I never forgot about him. He was always in the back of my mind, calling on him when times got rough. He should have never been at the back of anything he never puts us at the back of anything but we are so quick to replace him with something or someone new. Through all of this he remains faithful. I am sorry father I have come back home to you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

That's Love.......

Every morning I wake up I am filled with a joy that can't compare to any other. I have been blessed with another day of life. God found it in his heart to touch me with his hand of mercy even though I am not worthy. I am grateful to have the use of my body. Everyday I am not in pain is a blessing. I can get up walk my daughter to school, clean my house, take in a breath of fresh air. God is awesome how he continue to do for us even when we don't deserve it. The least I can do is to try to show at least some of the love he shows me daily to others. Everyone shows love in different ways so there is no right or wrong way to show love. Just make sure that it comes from the heart and it will be pleasing to God. Show love today in everything you do!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Help Loop-us Help those with lupus!

Loop-us is ready to make a difference in the lives of everyone living with lupus and we need the help of our community. My vision for Loop-us is to fill in the gap where government agencies lack. Worry is the greatest killer known to man and I want to remove this word from the vocabulary of everyone living with lupus and related illnesses. I will do this through grants for everything from medication to schooling. I am currently looking for people who share a vision of helping people with lupus to join my team. I am also looking for a person or company to donate space to my organization. With this space we will be able to get Loop-us up and running the way it should be and once we have incorporated we will be able to provide you with the information needed to use your donation as a tax right off if needed. My organization is also in need of a van or bus donation. Many of the request that we receive is for help with transportation especially during Chicago winters. A van or bus donation to our organization will allow us to help as many people as we can. Again once incorporated we will be able to provide you/your organization with the information needed for a tax right off. Last but not least volunteers are always needed! We are currently looking for legal volunteers to help us reach the 501c3 status we long for. Volunteers are also needed to get the non profit up and running experience with a non profit would be greatly appreciated but we will accept help from everyone. We are also taking donations for non profit software, computers, office equipment etc. I know you may be thinking they sure do need a lot, and yes we do. I am not to proud to ask for assistance because I know that once we are up and running we are going to make a huge difference in the lives of people all over this country and eventually the word. Everything that I have been doing for the last few years has been from my own pockets and I will give my last to this cause. I ask that you'll help me and join this cause! Visit and

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Help!

Woke up this morning to The Help being on Showtime. My mind went back to he first time I seen it in a movie theater sold out in downtown Chicago 1 out of 6 black people. I didn't know how to feel and you can tell many of them didn't know how to feel either.By the end of the movie most people was crying or had cried and you forget about color for a minute. As I watched today in the comfort of my own home all I could feel was gratitude. My tears were tears of appreciation, and gratitude not hate, dislike, or pain. Those who came before us endured a lot for us to have the opportunities that we have today and for that I am grateful. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for my granny who endured many of the same things these women did. Thank you to every person who came before me, who fought, who died so that we may live. Many of us couldn't imagine enduring the pain of our ancestors and because of them we truly never have too.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Contest! Contest! Contest!

I have a new hobby and it is entering sweepstakes. I have won one so far for bowling at Cherry Hills Lanes 300 N. Inkster Road,Dearborn Heights Michigan 48127. Only issue I live in Chicago lol maybe We'll drive up for a weekend. Now back to these contest, I love them because they help you expand your mind by seeing yourself in places you may not usually in vision yourself. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and entering contest daily help me to in vision the life I see myself having a feeling the joy NOW! Try it it's fun and a great stress reliever. Some sites I use are and also . The sweepstakes section on Facebook is ok but they have many sweepstakes you cant enter and you don't know until filling out the information due to the location. If you know any other cites let me know and remember to always do things that align you with what you want from life. See yours with what you want. Feel joy for it now and it will come to pass. I will be back soon with my praise reports!

I'm back!

I never got into the whole blog "thing" even though I really wanted to. Now I feel that this is really the best time in my life to really jump in and explore all it has to offer. My goal in life is to help others and I feel this will be a great outlet. I thank you for your support and look forward to a wonderful experience with you all.

Monday, January 23, 2012

My life long dream.........helping those with Lupus!

Loop-us needs your help this winter. We have a fundraising goal for the month of $2000. Loop-Us has set a goal to be incorporated as a nonprofit organization by Feb. 1st and we cannot do this without you. Loop-us is looking for business sponsors who are willing to donate a raffle prize to our winter raffle all proceeds goes to Loop-Us and to helping us become incorporated as a nonprofit so that we can give our all to Lupus patients and their families. All sponsors will be listed on our website as well as our Facebook page. Thank you in advance for your support!

If you would like to purchase raffle tickets which our $10 you can contact us here or on our Facebook page Loop-us. All Prizes are Valued at over $50! You can also donate under the who we are tab.

Loop-us is looking for a nonprofit to take us under their wing and help us on the Journey of becoming a non-profit. Contact Carlisa Thomas- President and Founder if you can lend a hand. Thank you in advance!

First thing on our agenda for the year is the hotline for lupus patients and their families which should be up and running by March.

You can find us on facebook
You can also find us online