Monday, March 21, 2011

What a day!

Well I guess today was not to bad I am still here.

Pain level a 2 so that is extremely great! I am just a little sore from my workouts this pass weekend at Flirty girl fitness. That kick ass cardio kicked my ass!

Work was work and I won't be completely happy until I am working for only myself.

I was suppose to be going to a bulls game out of town this weekend for my 25th B-Day but it doesn't look like that will be happening so I have to find something else for me and the ladies to do. Any ideas world?

OAN: I am working on getting as healthy as I can be from the inside out. I have come to the realization that this may mean cutting some people, places, and things go! I am so ready for this change and I welcome you all to go on this incredible journey with me.   

Life is what we make it and I am going to make mine a great one!

Until next time world!

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