Saturday, January 21, 2012

Kids will be kids!

People say kids will be kids/ boys will be boys but when does that go to far. Being a parent of a five year old I understand that children do things that the parent does not agree with and many times know nothing about. Once this happens and is brought to our attention it is our job to teach them better. When my child has come home talking about children picking with or hitting her I have always told her to let the teachers know and ask her what the teachers say in respond. Most of the time the teachers don't do enough to stop the situation so I step in to speak to them and if that doesn't work the parent of the child. This is no different when it comes to family members. I expect brothers,sisters, cousins etc. to keep their children in line and not let them beat on each because they are family. Why raise little bullies, thugs, and gangsters and be happy about it? I am raising a lady but I will not allow her to be pushed over and walked on. That being said I think along with horse back riding, ballet, and tea parties she needs some karate and kick boxing. I have given the world a chance to raise their children now I must raise mine. I felt bad telling my daughter today after she came home from her dads house with bite marks on her from yesterday that if someone hit, bite, or do anything to her to do it back to them if they have continued to do these things to her. What are your thoughts? Be blessed..........

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